For those customers who are possessing multiple cards like Master Card, Visa Card, Discover Card, American Card or Prepared Card then it is very difficult to manage the balances of all cards manually. Mycurrentbalance is a unique place which is providing online facility to manage your balances by creating an online account at its official website. In addition to it, this website also provides the facility for the redemption of all accumulated points which they have earned by the shopping from different shopping centers with the help of these cards. The basic purpose of designing this web portal is to provide help in regard to account management of cards spending at different swiping locations. It also tells us about the remaining balances of these cards with a proper balance sheet showing the debit side and credit side.
If you are also cardholders of various banks and feeling difficulty in account management then you are required to create your online account with the help of appended instructions and guidelines:
Online Account Creation:
- In the beginning, you are required to visit the link and get the privilege of its official site by having the facility of your web browser.
- On its main page, you will see an option of “Login” button where you have to enter your username and password to get login access.
- If you are new and want to get registration, you are required to click on the link “Create Profile” to proceed further.
- On the new page, enter your full name, prepaid card number, provide expiry date and security code number.
- After that you have to enter your email address, select of security questions and their relevant answers, create a password, select your preferred language and by checking out the given box, finally click on the button “Create Profile”.
Online Account Benefit:
After getting online account access, you can avail a number of advantages as you can get the cash back reward at the rate of 5%. At any instant, if you want to check the balances of any of your card, you can easily check it by getting login access of this account.